Tuesday, March 5, 2024



2Ti 4:3-4 (NAS95) "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, 4 and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths."

Hi everyone, 

Wow! Another week flying by- at least for me it has been- at any rate, I hope you  are all having a blessed and joy filled week. 

I’ve been thinking about Scripture and the Gospel a lot for quite a while now, and I am more convinced than ever that what we have been learning about false teaching being ‘heretical’ (that’s a  ‘hard’ word but I think appropriate) when it comes to belief in Scriptural Inspiration, Inerrancy and Infallibility (3 I’s) and the teaching of the True Gospel (doctrine), is essential to keeping us ‘on the Path’ of the obedient walk of discipleship (the daily, sanctifying, glorifying, life we will live until Jesus comes.. or we go!). We have been looking into this issue the last couple weeks, but this week we will ‘separate’ the Gospel into two parts- Man and Jesus- because the Gospel has to do with both, and false teaching will distort both of these ‘doctrines’. I can’t wait to go through this with you on Sunday. 

For now, I want to leave you with a teaching by Alistair Begg that dives right into this subject we will be looking at- "The Apostles Teaching".  It was either this one or a John MacArthur sermon, "You Can Trust Scripture"- Had a hard time choosing so I will just include the link to both for those of you who would really like to take some time to look into what true ‘doctrine’ means and why should we ‘trust’ the Bible? I will also include the transcripts for those who would rather read than listen. 

Enjoy, and see you all Sunday!


Alistair Begg


John MacArthur


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