So, have we all
lost our common sense? Now, I don’t say this because I simply don’t agree with
something, but in reality when things just don’t add up to a logical mind and
something seems to be ‘senseless’, you have to ask the question don’t you? So
what is this ‘thing’ that I’m referring to that would make me ask this
question? Well first let me take you back to the premise of the fairy tale of
the ‘Frog that became a Prince’. You remember, the princess is walking in the
garden and comes across a frog who to her utter amazement begins a conversation
with her. Well, the jest of the conversation goes something like this, “Um,
excuse me princess but if you would just take a moment to give me a kiss then I
will become a charming prince. For you see I am really a prince trapped inside
this frog body, but just a kiss from you and I will be changed into that
charming prince that you’ve been waiting for.” Of course the princess balks at
first but after convincingly making his case that ‘he really is a prince inside
this frog body’, she relents, kisses him, and wala! The frog changes into the
prince he said he was and the princess has her prince charming and they live
happily ever after. Now, of course we all know that this is all a fairy tale,
at least we used to. Let me explain.
You see it wasn’t
long ago that logic (actually fact) took place in the hospital when a baby was
born, smacked on the backside to get its
first deep breath, given to the parents with the words, “Congratulations, you
have a boy” or “a girl” whatever the case may have been. The parents beaming,
would wrap the little one up in a blue or pink blanket and present this ‘new
addition’ to the world as their new “baby boy” or “baby girl”. The logic, or
fact, that was displayed in the hospital was that this little bundle was in
‘fact’ a boy or girl when it was born according to the standards that have been
around as long as there has been a world; specifically, if the baby was born
with male genitals then it was ‘A boy!” If the baby was born with female genitals,
no surprise, “It’s a girl!” Then in the 1900’s to no one’s surprise, science
found the XY chromosome information and the ‘it’s a boy’ and ‘it’s a girl’ was
no longer just a visual determination but was now proved scientifically. Wow,
common sense proved by a scientific standard, how could anyone doubt that
right? Wrong! As we move into 2016 the question of gender is front and central
and this is where I have to ask the question, ‘Have we all lost our common
sense?” You see, millennia of ‘natural’ wisdom and observance as well as
documented science of the present day all point to the ‘fact’ of gender
determination. Gender is now, according to the ‘new definition’ of gender being
circulated among the populist of the U.S.A. as well as much of industry and
business, not based on what you can observe at one’s birth, or what you can
prove without a doubt scientifically with DNA gender tests, but rather it is
based on what an individual ‘identifies as’. What?? So, you mean to tell me
that a person is born a certain gender physically, they can be genetically
tested to be that gender and yet they can say they are not and everyone is o.k.
with that? It’s like saying that I can go to restricted areas of the national
parks because I ‘identify’ as a wolf or a tree or … you name it. If we can’t
base it on observation or fact then the sky is the limit. I can once again kill
whales because I ‘identify’ as a killer whale! “Don’t be ridiculous, you
bigot!” many of you are saying; but in all truthfulness I have to ask you, “who
is being ridiculous”? The one who is observing the facts and looking at the
truth or the one who wants to live in a fantasy, a modern fairy tale, that
say’s that I can ‘identify’ as someone that I am not.
So, to sum up I
guess that I can actually answer my own question, “Have we all lost our common
sense?” It appears so, at least in most of the government, industrial and
business establishments as well as those who see themselves as ‘progressive’ in
the society. It is a sad day in America when those with the common sense to see
the truth as it is are being called bigots and those who want to live in a
fairy tale are being called progressive and compassionate. I can remember years
ago, when letting someone who wasn’t a child continue living in the fairy tale
of make believe wouldn’t have been esteemed so highly.
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